Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Peak before plummet

I forget, at times,
how much I have already failed
I forget those obsidian depths
at the end
of plunges I thought would break me
Yet it is today and I am here
I climbed again and fell again
and felt again
momentarily weightless
as the world disappears
and certainty is lost
before the long descent begins
Yes, this has happened before
I have entered before
this manifold of dark whispering
bleak wanderings
of the mind unmoored from the
vicissitudes of chiseled time
There's a dreaminess about it all
and has been before
perhaps will be again?
There is comfort in this dawning,
that I was here and I suffered
and that I once lived to suffer
no more.

1 comment:

  1. A friend's mail
    Title : I suddenly remembered this mail from you ...
    Content: ‘Remember “नेति नेति नेति” is a point along a Dialogue, even one with the Self; and Not Anything. The Dialogue is the significant thing, and the fact that it is ongoing,relentlessly.’

    This is what you said a year ago – I am trying to work on the “ongoing, relentlessly” part of it …

    I replied:
    Thank you you reminding me that. I needed to be reminded myself.

    Thank you Anupriya.
